Couples Therapy

"Couples/marriage counseling can help you to improve communication, rekindle your romance, heal from difficult situations, and reconnect with your partner."

Couples come for many different reasons. People seek couples counseling and relationship therapy when they are struggling with difficult issues. Some come when they feel an issue growing and endangering their happiness. Some come before they get married to strengthen their relationship and expand their understanding of each other (premarital counseling/premarital therapy). Others come when they feel their relationship is in serious danger and change is urgent. Your relationship will have greater impact on your happiness throughout your life than anything else.

The Gottman Method of Couples Therapy

In my practice, I use the evidence-based Gottman Method to help couples tackles their relational issues. The Gottman Method of Couples Therapy is based on Dr. John Gottman’s research that began in the 1970’s and continues to present day. The research has focused on what makes relationships succeed or fail. From this research, Drs. John and Julie Gottman have created a method of therapy that emphasizes “nuts-and-bolts” approach to improving clients’ relationships.

This method is designed to help teach specific tools to deepen friendship and intimacy in your relationship. To help you productively manage conflicts, you will be given methods to manage “resolvable problems” and dialogue about “gridlocked” (or perpetual) issues. We will also work together to help you appreciate your relationship’s strengths and to gently navigate through its vulnerabilities.

I look forward to working with you and your partner!

Are you desiring a more fulfilling relationship with your partner? Areas that I focus on are:

  • Communication

  • Intimacy & Sex

  • Infidelity & Trust

  • Fighting/Arguing

  • Parenting/Co-Parenting

  • Divorce/Blended Families

  • Relationship Counseling & Marital Counseling

  • Lack of sharing feelings

  • Sexual issues

  • Separation

  • Abusive relationships

  • Money issues

What Will You Get from Couples Therapy?

You’ll both learn specific skills and strategies that can improve your relationship -- and give you insight that can enrich your life in a myriad of ways. Yes, romance is partly magic -- but it needs understanding and know-how. Skills that none of us were born with -- and many of us didn’t learn enough about as children. We are all relational beings. We live in relationships. The work that couples do here can improve their relationship, intimacy, communication, careers, and their bonds with family and friends.

Couples Often Feel Discouraged When They First Come to Counseling

The perspective I have from outside the relationship allows me to see that this discouragement comes from both partners trying to help the other see what the solution is. Sometimes it’s not expressed directly. Both want to stop the discomfort – but they’re working at cross purposes.

Becoming Better Communicators

You will grow in your understanding of how to better communicate with each other and, perhaps more importantly, you will gain insight into each other’s lives. Problems around communication, sex, money, trust, intimacy, parenting and addiction all become issues around which you come together. The work you do with your partner is some of the most powerful counseling possible.

Improving Intimacy

You will learn ways to reconnect with your partner. Improved intimacy will help you and your partner to feel loved, appreciated and desired. In turn, you will feel more connected with him/her. I offer tools to help you express feelings, find thoughtful ways so show your partner you care, express gratitude and have fun together again!

Rebuilding Trust

Many couples experience struggles in their relationship that cause issues involving trust. You will learn ways to rebuild the trust you once had and develop a strong, healthy, balanced relationship. Repairing and rebuilding from difficult situations is possible.

For a free phone consult and/or to make an appointment, call me on my confidential voicemail or text message me at (925) 695-5279 or send me an email at